Dates: Saturday, October 19, 2024 and May 10, 2025
Time: 4-5 pm. Performers arrive at 3:15 pm for seating, photos and warm up.
Commitment: Performers commit to stay for the entire performance as a courtesy to all.
Dress: Semi-formal- party dresses, slacks and nice shirts or tops, tennis shoes okay.
Admission: Free for performers and their guests.
Open to the Broomfield Community – you do not need to be a member of BMTA or studying with a BMTA teacher in order to participate! Music does NOT need to be memorized, but must be “performance ready.”
Music of all styles is welcome, including original compositions. Duets and small ensembles are encouraged. All instruments and vocal types are welcome. All ages and levels of experience are welcome.NO KARAOKE Tracks – accompanists must be provided by the performer.
Participants are encouraged contact Christina Lynn-Craig at Tinaregina@aol.com ONE MONTH before the Musicale. Include the following in your registration email:
Teacher Name and Contact information (e-mail and phone)
Student’s Name
Title of Piece to be performed
Full name of Composer
Approximate timing
Approximate difficulty level
Teachers are limited to three students participating in each Musicale, though other students may be “wait listed”
Selections are limited to approximately three minutes – this means that young students who have very short pieces may perform two or three pieces, while more advanced students will perform only one piece.
Donations GRATEFULLY Accepted!
This program fills quickly and spots are limited.
Sponsored by the Broomfield Music Teachers Association, students and their guests enjoy a beautiful theatre with access to the $50,000 grand piano, full stage with lighting, and a professional sound tech. Rental of this theatre is over $500, and the BMTA generously donates to provide this event.