Member Meetings

Regular meetings of the BMTA Membership occur on the 2nd Thursday of each month, September through May (excluding December). They are currently held at the home of member Cheryl Reeder – contact Cheryl at for address and directions.

September 14
Round Table Discussion on Teacher Resources

October 12
Works for Flute and Piano by French and contemporary composers
John Heins, pianist and Teri Forscher-Milter, flutist

November 9
The Lister-Sink Method through Teaching and Experiences
Jamie Grigsby

No Meeting

January 11
A Multimedia Presentation of Vincent Van Gogh’s Art
John Heins, composer

February 8       
Using Principals of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the Studio
Christina Lynn-Craig

March 14   
Brazilian Music for Four Hands
Alejandro Cremaschi

April 11   
Making Music Together – an informal recital by BMTA members

May 9
Final business meeting and recap of Broomfield Piano Festival