Member Meetings

Regular meetings of the BMTA Membership occur on the 2nd Thursday of each month, September through May (excluding December). They are currently held at the home of member Cheryl Reeder – contact President Tina Lynn-Craig ( for Cheryl’s address if you wish to attend a program.

September 12
Favorite Teaching Pieces and Chamber Music Performances
BMTA Member Roundtable

October 10
Empowering Students to Express Themselves Freely
Sara Giita Flores

November 14
Beginning Improvisation for Pianists
Peter Friesen

No Meeting

January 9
Transcriptions and Compositions by John Heins
Presented by The Ara Trio
John Heins, clarinet; Teri Forscher-Milter, Flute; Amy Delevoryas, cello

February 13       
Favorite Recordings of Music – Treasures From Our Libraries
BMTA Member Roundtable

March 13   
To Be Announced

April 10   
From Habaneras to Huapangos: Using Latin American Music to Help Students Develop Rhythm and Timing
Dr. Alejandro Cremaschi

May 8
Year End Wrap-Up, Summer Plans and Brunch
**10:00 am at iPie Restaurant, 145 Nickel St., Broomfield, 80020